Sorry for not posting for a while. I’ve been sooooo busy with my…..Oh,
right. I have no life. Ok, so I’ve just been lazy. I bought all my tomato and pepper plants in
preparation for planting my garden a week or so ago. Timmy told me that I might want to wait
because we may have some tornados in a few days. The last two years I have had to replant because
all the little leaves have been whipped off by high winds or flooded out by
heavy rains. Replanting 20-40 plants 2
years in a row makes one leery about planting too early. Timmy was right and we have had strong winds,
a nearby tornado and near freezing temps since, so all these little plants have
been sitting in my kitchen floor for the past 2 weeks.

Now Little Bull is the newest 600 pound member of the
Bustin Ass Ranch and seems to enjoy the yard better than the pasture. He’s been out a few times before and now I am
getting used to it. Only last year I was
still fairly afraid of the giants with pea brains.
I penned the dogs up, unlatched 2 gates to the pasture and
grabbed a feed bucket. I banged on the
bucket and called Come and get it! Come
on, Little Bull, come get it! You can
imagine how I looked with my pink jacket, giant boots, and orange bucket trying
to call a bull to me. I'm just glad no one
was going down our road right then. The
steers we are feeding out in the corral got very excited and began mooing their
steer heads off demanding to be fed.
Little Bull just looked at me like I was a nut job. Yeah, right.
I’m going over to that? I don’t
think so. I got a little closer and he
didn’t really seem to like that. He
kinda put his head down like a cartoon bull and I decided that taking on an unpredictable 600 lb animal with a relatively small brain while I was the only one at home without even the dogs to help, was probably
not the best idea I have ever had. I
backed away and he went back to mowing the grass.
Oh, and don’t forget the rain, that was fun. Ok, I tried, it didn’t work. Now what??? Guess it’s, time to rodeo. I got out the 4 wheeler and went around the
edge to the yard trying to cut him off from the cow sized hole in the
fence. When he finally decided to move it, he kicked
up his heels, flung mud everywhere and began jumping and running. I channeled my inner rodeo champ and tried to
guide him back to the pasture. Of,
course he didn’t go the right way and is heading for the house. Great.
We need a bull on the porch. Luckily
he went around the side and nearly smacked into one of the 4 satilite dishes
that came with the place. Wouldn’t an unconscious
Little Bull laying in the side yard be cute to explain? He ducked just in time and I went
around. He kicked up some more mud, but
the rain washed it out of my face. That
was nice.
This is Little Bull in the front and Shirley in the back. Unlike yesterday, he came right over when I called him closer to take his picture. Maybe he's a ham? |
I got around the house and he was right in my garden!! Damnit!!
I worked hard getting that garden nice and fluffy just waiting for some
nicer weather. He decided he needed a
snack and was going for my peas. NOOOOOOO!!!!
I yelled and revved the engine. He
kicked up my beautiful, loamy garden soil and took off.
I went around and cut off the path back to the front yard and yelled some
more. He finally saw the open gate and hauled ass in. I shut the gate and he headed straight for the water trough as though he has run a marathon. When I
drove by to put the 4 wheeler back his eyes got really wide and he backed away from the
water. I just laughed and set about
undoing everything. I unpinned the dogs,
relatched both pasture gates and opened the driveway gate. The dogs thought this was a great game and had
tons of fun running around me like fruit cakes. Now that
I was done, the rain stopped....of course.
I headed back inside and checked the clock. Shit!!
Jason was due home any minute and I had a total disaster area in the
entire kitchen and dining room. I have a
kiddy pool full of plants and dirt everywhere.
He can’t handle my messes. They
really stress him out and he specifically told me twice that day that Timmy was coming
over to bottle beer in the kitchen. Incidentally,
Timmy is 50 something and just retired this week, so I’m not sure why we still
call him Timmy, but oh well.
I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying
to get my shit together. I didn't make
it. Jason walked in and the look on his
face was priceless. You would have
thought there was something truly horrific in our kitchen. It was really funny, but definitely not the
time to laugh out loud (at least where he could hear or see.) I explained about my impromptu rodeo session
and assured him I would have everything cleaned in a jiffy. I'm not sure he believed either. He looked skeptical, to say the least. I just kept cleaning, he just kept scowling. Finally I snapped at him a little and told
him to just get over it, it was just a little dirt and I was taking care of
it. He left.
Later I decided I should be able to add my little adventure to
my resume. I think it will read:
Adaptable applicant can adequately utilize alternative locomotion device to successfully maneuver recalcitrant bovine to appropriate locations.